Articles, Notes, and Essays

The Rutgers University Law Review extends a warm welcome to authors interested in publishing with our journal.

The Law Review is published five times per year; the Articles Editors consider submissions during the Fall and Spring submission cycles. We encourage the submission of unsolicited articles and essays. Authors may submit their articles via e-mail at or via regular mail at the address listed below.

Manuscripts may be submitted either as printed documents or in electronic format, and should be addressed to:

Rutgers University Law Review
Articles Office, 3rd Floor
Rutgers School of Law – Newark
Center for Law and Justice
123 Washington Street
Newark, NJ 07102

Expedited Review

If you have received an offer from another journal for your manuscript and would like to request expedited review, please e-mail the Senior Articles Editors at In the body of the e-mail, please include:

• your name

• the name of your manuscript

• the name of the journal that has extended an offer to you

• the date that offer expires

• the phone number or e-mail address of a contact person at that journal

The editors of the Law Review attempt to honor all requests for expedited review for which the above information is provided. To increase the chances of timely review, please attach an electronic version of your manuscript to the e-mail. If you are unable to send e-mail, you may request expedited review by calling the Senior Articles Editor at (973) 353-5391.

We invite you to read the complete manuscripts of Rutgers University Law Review articles on WestlawLexis, and HeinOnline.


Submissions and questions can be sent electronically to:

Paper submissions can be sent to:

Rutgers University Law Review
Attn: Commentaries Editor
Rutgers Law School
123 Washington Street, 3rd Floor
Newark, NJ 07102