Property and Probable Cause: The Fourth Amendment’s Principled Protection of Privacy
Ricardo J. Bascuas
Extraterritorial Interrogation: The Porus Border Between Torture and U.S. Criminal Trials
Jenny-Brooke Condon
The New Jersey Supreme Court: A Leadership Court in Individual Rights
The Honorable Deborah T. Poritz
Autonomy, Dignity, and Consent to Harm
Vera Bergelson
Baghdad Bound: Forced Labor of Third-Country Nationals in Iraq
Amy Kathryn Brown
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: The Impact of New Jersey Court Rule 4:42-9(A)(3) on Attorney Fees in Estate Litigation
Charles Huberty
Civilian Border Patrols: Activists, Vigilantes, or Agents of Government?
Adalgiza A. Nùñez
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